segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2024

2037 – Bruce Springsteen – Independence day (1980)


Escrita por Bruce Springsteen, foi gravada em 24 e 25 de abril de 1980, no Power Station Studio, em New York City e lançada em 17 de outubro de 1980, no disco The River, o quinto de Bruce. Sairia também em compacto, que tinha The River como Lado A, em maio de 1981. Foi produzida por Bruce Springsteen, Steven Van Zandt e Jon Landau. Bruce disse que o coração e a alma do disco eram Independence day, Point blank, Stolen car e The River. Ou seja, é uma das quatro canções mais importantes do disco pro próprio Bruce. Fala de um lar que já não pode mais ter pai e filho juntos no mesmo teto. A canção é cantada do filho falando pro pai. Começa com a frase: “Papa go to bed now, it's getting late”, mudando a ordem natural que era o pai dizendo isso pro filho. O filho então reconhece que apesar de algumas similaridades, eles dois brigam demais e é hora do filho partir. É conhecida como melhor trabalho vocal de Bruce, com uma sinceridade brutal que fortalece a canção. Foi escrita ainda em 1977. Bruce cantou e tocou guitarra. Roy Bittan tocou piano. Clarence Clemons tocou sax e pandeiro. Danny Federici tocou orgão. Gary Tallent tocou baixo. Steve Van Zandt tocou guitarra. Max Weinberg tocou bateria.

A letra:

Well Papa go to bed now it's getting late
Nothing we can say is gonna change anything now
I'll be leaving in the morning from St. Mary's Gate
We wouldn't change this thing even if we could somehow
Cause the darkness of this house has got the best of us
There's a darkness in this town that's got us too
But they can't touch me now
And you can't touch me now
They ain't gonna do to me
What I watched them do to you

So say goodbye it's Independence Day
It's Independence Day
All down the line
Just say goodbye it's Independence Day
It's Independence Day this time

Now I don't know what it always was with us
We chose the words, and yeah, we drew the lines
There was just no way this house could hold the two of us
I guess that we were just too much of the same kind

Well say goodbye it's Independence Day
It's Independence Day all boys must run away
So say goodbye it's Independence Day
All men must make their way come Independence Day

Now the rooms are all empty down at Frankie's joint
And the highway she's deserted clear down to Breaker's Point
There's a lot of people leaving town now
Leaving their friends, their homes
At night they walk that dark and dusty highway all alone

Well Papa go to bed now, it's getting late
Nothing we can say can change anything now
Because there's just different people coming down here now and they see things in different ways
And soon everything we've known will just be swept away

So say goodbye it's Independence Day
Papa now I know the things you wanted that you could not say
But won't you just say goodbye it's Independence Day
I swear I never meant to take those things away

A versão de Bruce Springsteen:

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2099 – Scorpions – Lady starlight (1980)

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